Arb Office

Our flagship cloud app has an unrivalled set of features, no other tree contracting software comes close.
Arb Office calendar screen


Arb pro includes an internal calendar to mange appointments, tree work and add-hoc appointments like holiday leave or tax running out on a vehicle for example. The calendar allows users to view and manage every sales appointment assigned to staff and when synced with the mobile app, allows the surveyor to see his or her calendar on the mobile app too! It’s a great way to share a single calendar with every person employed and working for the company

Arb Office dashboard screen

The Dashboard

Arb pro includes a dashboard, a place where data is gathered and presented in summary view. This is a key and important part of the system, data includes a list of quotes, or invoices sent for and provides statics such as sent, accepted, not accepted and due for example. The dashboard helps users keep on top of every quotation and invoices sent with the ability to send follow up sales letters or invoices reminders.

Arb Office messaging screen

Email and Text Messaging

Arb pro allows users to send text messages and emails with every quotation and invoice sent from the system. It’s a fantastic way to keep in touch with your customers! Every quote or invoice is attached as a pdf document to every email sent from the system. Users also have the option to attach additional attachments to emails such as site plans or other information you want to share with your clients.

Arb Office managing client data screen

Managing Your Client Data

Your client contact information is critical in managing jobs and other information related to a client. Arb pro allows users to manage all of their client data in one screen. Users can additional contacts for a client, choose to include the client in marketing and text messaging or opt them out. Your client data can be linked with sage and other accounting packages also!

Arb Office mapping trees screen

Mapping Trees

Producing site plans for staff is a key feature, having the ability to map and show a tree’s location is a very useful feature in Arb Pro. Users can use the mobile app to map the location of trees in the field and once uploaded to the office version, the trees locations are shown on a map tile as seen below.

Arb Office marketing screen


Marketing to past customers and those that didn’t accept quotes in the past can be a time consuming task. In Arb Pro it’s so simple to set a date in the future to remind you work needs undertaking again or to create a mass marketing campaign. It takes minutes to reach thousands of your customers using Arb Pro as frequently as you wish! Users can even target a specific work category such as hedge cutting for example and can email every customer that has a hedge or any category of work for that matter! Designed to make use of past customer data and increase sales, don’t leave returning customers to chance hoping they return!

Arb Office quotes and invoices screen

Quotes and Invoices

Sending branded quotes and invoices with your logos is quick and simple using Arb Pro. Users can send quotes/invoices either by post or by email and includes a text messaging services with every quote or invoice sent from Arb Pro. Every document sent is recorded and displayed in the history window, enabling quick and efficient document referencing and sent history.

Arb Office risk assessments screen

Risk Assessments

Users are able to fully customise and build their own site specific risk assessment templates using Arb Pro. Users can add their own methods for risk assessment and reference their own generic risk documents for control measures and competently demonstrate clear systems of assessment for risk management. Quite simply ticking “Yes” chainsaw on ground will be used, will reference the control measures in the particular document for example and this methodology is applied to all risk items. Once set up all risk assessment templates are available to download to the mobile app

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